Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Call For Reason

That's it. I'm calling it. This year is to be referred to as Twenty Ten. No more of this "two thousand and ten" nonsense. Twenty ten. And Twenty shall be the standard for the years to come. Mark it well.

"Whoa there, man!" I hear you say. "You can't just up and call it! There have to be discussions! Evidence has to be presented! You need to present a compelling case before we can just go ahead and call it twenty ten." Well I have a compelling case. I have an irrefutable arguement that will end this debate once and for all. What is this ironclad evidence? Mega Man.

That's right, I'm invoking the blue bomber himself. You see, at the start of every Mega Man game, they display the year it takes place in. But in order to keep from tying themselves down to a specific date, they use 'X's. This results in a date like 20X6. Now consider how you would say that date. Would you say "twenty x-ty six", or would you say "two thousand and x-ty six"? Two thousand and x-ty six sounds stupid, doesn't it? Twenty x-ty six is clearly the correct way to say such a date, so it clearly must be the correct header for this year as well. Ergo, twenty ten.

So now that Mega Man and myself have logically shown the correct way to say this year and blown the arguments for "two thousand and ten" out of the water, I look forward to hearing "twenty ten" being proclaimed across the globe. For if we cannot unite in the pronunciation of the year, how can we ever hope to stand together once the robot rebellion inevitably comes to pass? For the good of all mankind, I welcome you to Twenty Ten.

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